Saturday, April 11, 2009

Every relationship teaches you something new not only about yourself but other people and how they are willing to treat somebody besides themselves.
You get so used to being treated bad in a crappy relationship that eventually you start pointing the finger at others...Not until recently have I finally been analyzing defaults of my own...flaws of my own --that I should/need to work on.

&& that is why being single at this moment in time is more than ideal.
I'm graduating, I need this time for me, I need to figure myself out, discover what truly makes me happy...
I see so many girls and their insecurities 'vanish' just because they have a man to complete them. I'm not that girl!...
I dont need someone to complete me. I can complete me.

Cant wait to goto India. I need that. I need to just goto my comfort zone, my people, and do some self-analysis.

It breaks my heart tho to have ever hurt someone-- never did it intentionally-- but in a sense all the past problems still haunt me-- so I guess maybe it was in a way intentional?

But whatever...I need prayers, apologizes to all, right now-- its just me, myself, & I.